Saturday, September 6, 2014

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Removing Fake Antivirus

Removing Fake Antivirus:
Removing antivirus like virus is a bit difficult task for normal system users. Fake antivirus will block most of the things in OS even sometimes it blocks another antivirus program also.
       The program will automatically start with windows. It will show as if u r system is effected with a critical virus. And it will ask for activation to remove the virus. When u click activate it will ask for bank details. This is one of the technique that hackers do to get our bank passwords.
Sample image of fake antivirus

Step by Step procedure to remove Fake Antivirus:
·Note down the fake antivirus name
·Restart your pc in safe mode. ( press f8 immediately after u start u r pc)
·Then go to the below path in command mode
                      C:UsersAdminAppDataRoaming>dir/ah         (type dir/ah to show hidden files)
                     C:UsersAdminAppDataRoaming>attrib  -s  -h  -r fakeantivirusname      (the name of hidden file/folder which u seen
Then go to the path and delete the file/folder manually
If sub-folders are present then to go the below path
C:UsersAdminAppDataRoaming>cd Foldername
Then remove the attributes and manually delete the file.

Finally, start the os normally. Now fake antivirus will not start automatically with windows logon. Then go to
Type msconfig in run and remove the fake antivirus for startup.
For list of Fake Antivirus names  Click Here

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