Thursday, November 13, 2014

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Samsung factory looted in Brazil 6 Million worth goods robbed

We have a new robbery in Samsungs plant to report you as of Monday, from São Paulo, Brazil. A gang of heavily armed robbers, reportedly broke into Samsungs electronics factory during the night shift time, early this Monday, 7th of July. This new theft in the South Koreas manufacturing complex have resulted in a loot of $6 Million worth consumer electronic products including, cellphones and computers.

"They subdued the guards, took their weapons and their ammunition and told them to continue working as if nothing had happened," said Police Officer, Lt. Vitor Chaves to the Globo television. The police from the sight calculated an approximate amount of $36 Million worth wares stolen, but later Samsung confirmed it to be $6 Million, in cash.

According to the Civil Police Officers from the São Paulo, they suspect a total number of about 20 armed thieves have participated in the crime scene, where they incarcerated about eight employees from plant, when they were said approaching the factory in a company bus just before midnight. The gang of burglars had stole the workers identification tags and also took couple of their workers as hostages, as they made their way to the interior of the factory. The reports suggests that, the remaining six employees captured were taken to an unknown location, later. Inside the yard, the group of robbers overwhelmed the security guards and spent over three hours in the business unit, busy trucking all the Samsung branded electronic stocks out of the territory, which estimates around 40,000 finished products in seven trucks.

The head of the General Investigations department from the country, Carlos Henrique Fernandes, talked about the possibility of the thieves planning the robbery with someone inside the Samsung factory. As claimed by him, it would be difficult to commit such a crime of this large scale without any assist from the company internals.

"We are fully cooperating with the ongoing police investigation, and we will do our best to prevent this happening again," read the statement published by Samsung.


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