Sunday, November 23, 2014

Saving Android Apps Data Using App2SD APP for Android

There are two lightweight techniques for saving simple application data for Android applications. Shared Preferences and a pair of event handlers used for saving Activity instance details. Both mechanisms use a name/value pair (NVP) mechanism to store simple primitive values.

Using SharedPreferences, you can create named maps of key/value pairs within your application
that can be shared between application components running in the same Context.
Shared Preferences support the primitive types Boolean, string, float, long, and integer, making them
an ideal way to quickly store default values, class instance variables, the current UI state, and user
preferences. They are most commonly used to persist data across user sessions and to share settings
between application components.

Alternatively, Activities offer the on Save Instance State handler. It’s designed specifi cally to persist
the UI state when the Activity becomes eligible for termination by a resource-hungry run time.

The handler works like the Shared Preference mechanism. It offers a Bundle parameter that represents a key/value map of primitive types that can be used to save the Activity’s instance values.

This Bundle is then made available as a parameter passed in to the onCreate and onRestoreInstanceState method handlers.

This UI state Bundle is used to record the values needed for an Activity to provide an identical UI following unexpected restarts.

Use App2SD - helps to save the internal storage of phone.App2SD - Save phone storage APP Features :
  • App to sd - Move app to SD card if it could be moved.
  • Move apps back to phone internal storage from SD card.
  • List all installed apps.
  • Clear Apps Cache.
  • Show total internal storage and available internal storage.
  • Show total storage of SD card and available storage.
  • Uninstall app.
  • Support Android 2.2/2.3.
  • Sort app by name, install date, app size.
  • Open/Switch to app.
  • Search app in google market.
  • Notification when there is new app installed which can be moved to SD card.
  • Warning on not recommended moving.
Note : App2SD cannot be used to backup apps or data to SD card, after factory reset, all apps will be erased!

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Intel back to school with Tablets running on Android and Windows 8 1

Computer First " Classmate PC "and is the size of 10.1 inches is working on the system," Windows 8.1 "or" Windows 8.1 "provider angles of rubber to withstand the shocks where and according to the company, they will protect him from falling from the height of 70 cm as well as being waterproof and dust.
This tablet runs on the processor model of the " Bay Trail "and is not to slide" Celeron N2806 "fast dual-core 1.6 GHz and provider working on touch screen along with a webcam.
Besides the former Computer unveiled " Intel "from another computer running the same size on the system" Android 4.2 Jelly Bean "and the entire body of provider rubber for easy caught him by the student and small, as well as by small.
This works on a computer is a dual processor cores slide " Atom Z2520 "fast 1.2 GHz technology accelerator with" Hyper-Threading "technology as well as three-dimensional graphics acceleration" 3D "which supports 1080p resolution video as a camera background and supports third-generation networks" 3G "and its battery enables it to work up to 1, 2 Hours.

Spain mentioned and what they are oriented to aspects of the educational tools they contain large, as well as sensitive to temperature and will launch as of next month.

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Facebook Beta Update with new design and features

We have a new update toFacebook Betatoversion you are users of Windows Phone 8 /8.1, for Windows Phone 7.x will use the many changes but very important and necessary to have the application update.
So you know, and you can upgrade visiting the shop in case you have not yet advised of this update.
The first thing thatwill catch your attention is the new interface, just below theNews Feedwill have several icons, such as messages,notifications, friend requests and profile, among others.
At the bottom are buttons status, upload photos and input.From the photos option we will also upload videos.
This is theofficial list of improvements:
  • Improved interface design
  • Performance Enhancements
  • Upload videos
  • Support for new languages
Hopefully you have also solved other problems faced by some users with the previous version, although it is still early to know until you go updating and leave your first impressions.
Previously the list of improvements were greater, we are fast, secure notifications, alerts for chat, messaging improvements, more languages, side chat icons, events, groups, pages, albums and more.
Windows Phone Store|Facebook Beta(free)
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Samsung enters Top 10 of global brands thanks to Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note

According to the results of its 13th annual Best Global Brands report, which released by Interbrand a few days ago, Samsung enters top 10 of global brands, Ranks 9th On Interbrand’s Best Global Brands. While at the same time, Samsung’s biggest competitor Apple is now the Second Most Valuable Brand in the World.
Coca-Cola (KO) was able to retain its number one spot, although not by a wide-margin. Then Apple follows. The value of Apple’s brand increased by 129% in the past year, jump to second place thanks to its Outstanding sales in both developing and emerging markets ,ahead of all other technology companies, including IBM, Google and Microsoft.
But even that, it doesn’t mean that Samsung fall far behind Apple. Samsung has made a big surprise appearance into the Top 10 for the first time in history. The Korean company’s brand is now considered to be the 9th most valuable in the world, and said to be worth $32.8 billion.  And according to betanews,  Samsung brand perception rises, as Apple falls。

Samsung have become the worlds largest maker of mobile phones. Interbrand considers the fact as a key reason for this. However, the consultancy also counts the amount of buzz that the Korean company has been able to generate regarding its flagship devices, the Galaxy S III and the Galaxy Note, as instrumental in making Samsung break into the Top 10.
Samsung’s huge campaign at the 2012 Olympic Games in London also helped its brand a lot. As the official phone of 2012 London Olympic, Samsung galaxy S3 has achieved a great success. And also T-Mobile announced through their Twitter feed that Samsung’ Galaxy S3 device is their best-selling device of all time. And it certainly looks like the company’s legal troubles prompted by Apple haven’t done anything to tarnish its brand’s value.

Other brands featured in the report and which have something to do with mobile stuff include Google at No.4, Microsoft at No.5 (down from No.3 last year), Nokia at No.19 (compared to No.14 in 2011), Amazon at No.20, and Sony at No.40.

But I think that will soon change, as Nokia will release its flagship smartphone- Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 come with windows phone 8.  The competition between Smartphone and Tablets will become more intense. Today, like Amazon and Google, Microsoft pay a lot of attention in the smartphone and tablets market.

The full Interbrand report is available here.

Related article:
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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Surface 3 will be available in 26 countries In August

We keep talking abouttablets, this time from the Surface Pro 3,since Microsoft has revealed the list of countries that will be availablein late August.If any of you plan to buy one can see from the list below if you have available in your country, unfortunately there are none in Latin America.
The Surface Pro 3you can buy in the following countries:
  • Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore,Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan Thailand and the United Kingdom.
In totalthere are 26 countries and are all models ofSurface Pro 3, from bearing the Intel Core i3 processor to theCore i7, Core i5 passing by.New accessories designed for it will also be available.From theMicrosoft storein Spain and can be booked.
If you do not know theprice at which the different modelshere we have the:
  • Surface Pro 3 processorIntel Core i3 and 64 GB of storage for 799 euros
  • Surface Pro 3 processorIntel Core i5 and 128GB storage for 999 euros
  • Surface Pro 3 processorIntel Core i5 and 256GB of storage for 1,299 euros
  • Surface Pro 3 processorIntel Core i7 and 256 GB of storage for 1,549 euros
  • Surface Pro 3 processorIntel Core i7 and 512 GB of storage for 1,949 euros
If your main PC is a portable can a Surface Pro 3 is a good choice to replace when the time comes.You will have a team two in one and quite powerful that allows you to do almost any task.Perhaps the most basic model falls shortfor some users because it has only 64 GB of storage, so that you can not install very heavy stuff, butfor tasks of office and multimedia believe may be sufficient.
Do you plan to buy a Surface Pro 3?
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Halloween 2012 Top 5 Halloween Scary Horror movies on YouTube

Halloween is around the corner. There are lot activities on Halloween, such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns, lighting bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and above all, my favorite part is watching horror films.
What better to watch on Halloween than a horror Halloween movie? So if you are a horror films fan, here is a list 5 of the best Horror movies on YouTube for Halloween to help get you into the spooky season’s spirit.
I’ve watched some of them and most of these horror movies are really frightening. So attention please, if you are afraid of this HORROR movie, does NOT click it.

1. Halloween (2007) $2.99

After being committed for 17 years, Michael Myers, now a grown man and still very dangerous, escapes from the mental institution (where he was committed as a 10 year old) and he immediately returns to Haddonfield, where he wants to find his baby sister, Laurie. Anyone who crosses his path is in mortal danger.

2. Zombieland ($9.99)

A shy student trying to reach his family in Ohio, and a gun-toting tough guy trying to find the Last Twinkie and a pair of sisters trying to get to an amusement park join forces to travel across a zombie-filled America.

See also: Zombieland Now On Blu-ray™, DVD & Digital Download

3. Trick R Treat ($1.99)

Four interwoven stories that occur on Halloween: An everyday high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer; a college virgin might have just met the one guy for her; a group of teenagers pull a mean prank; a woman who loathes the night has to contend with her holiday-obsessed husband.

4. Nosferatu (Free)

The first Lcd adaptation of Dracula, this is one of the greatest horror movies ever made. Light and shadwo highlight Max Schrecks unforgettable perfomance as the evil vampire Count Orloff. Young estate agent Thomas Hutter agrees to help Count Orloff relocate to the city. Soon, Hutter and his wife are ensnared by the vampires deadly powers.

5. Vampire Hunters ($3.99)

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, discovers vampires are planning to take over the United States. He makes it his mission to eliminate them.

Warning: These movies do not depict reality. They are for entertainment only.
You can also watch your film on Android phones and tablets by using the Movies app. 
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Nokia Lumia 930 vs Samsung Galaxy S5 comparative video recording

It was presented in April 2014 at the Microsoft Build ahigh end terminalthat shares many similarities with the Nokia Lumia Icon,.The Nokia Lumia 930was destined to become the perfect terminal Lumia familyand really close to this idea,being able to easily compete with the high endof other operating systems like Android and one of its major terminals star,Samsung Galaxy S5.
TheSamsung Galaxy S5as you know was unveiled at MWC 2014 as one of the biggest releases of the important exhibition.Despite being improved that the Samsung Galaxy S4 are quite the criticism it has received, especially by adesign that is not convincingand plastic finishes that remain like.
Co-Nokia Power UserhandWe Love Smartphoneshave made ​​acomparison video showing the recording quality of both models.Before the show I teach camera specifications of both models.

Nokia Lumia 930

  • PureView 20 megapixel camera with Zeiss optics, 6 lenses, opening af/2.4 lens with dual flash LED high power
  • OIS optical image stabilizer
  • Four microphones HAAC codec withDolby Digital Plus
  • Maximum recording full HD at 30 fps

Samsung Galaxy S5

  • 16 megapixel camera with f/2.2 aperture
  • Hybrid approach
  • 4K recording at 30 fps
Samsung include the possibility ofrecording at UHD resolution (3,840 x 2.160p), your opponent only gets to 1080, although the difference is clear, confident performance of the acclaimed Nokia PureView sensor technology to be better than the Samsung Galaxy S5.Besides thefeatures optical stabilization Finnish to improve the pulse when recording video, something your opponent does not offer.

In the videos both terminals are at a high level butin the second video it shows the Samsung Galaxy S5 lack of optical image stabilizationand can see how thesensor of the Nokia Lumia 930 is able to better adapt to low light conditionsand that it has a less bright than his rival sensor, however I think it is best resolved in low light conditions.
Which of the two terminals will look better to you?
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Ouhaat Windows system in Korea and Japan

When most people think tablet devices, there is a good chance that their minds go directly to the iPad or Ouhaat, ouhaat operating system Android. This is understandable because both Apple and manufacturers of devices Android raised Tablets fantastic in the last period, so these ouhaat overwhelm Microsofts efforts in an attempt to break into the tablet market with special offers as well.

But it seems that the applications on tablet devices Windows operating system is on the rise, at least in South Korea and Japan. Has released a new report from Digi-Times site stating that the sellers in South Korea and Japan have begun to raise the number of shipments they require from Ouhaat Windows recently.

Reportedly, the demand for these vendors Ouhaat windows of different sizes (8 inches and 10 inches) has increased from the usual, leading to speculation that the demands on the Ouhaat windows are on the rise, at least in South Korea and Japan. It seems that the numbers to prove it, too, so it was said that the sales of Windows Ouhaat grown from 3% to 15%, and this provides a very cool tablet devices running Microsofts operating system.

Were not sure of what is the real reason behind this increase in demand, the report says that the increasing demand for Ouhaat Windows due to the fact that the increasing demand for games that are based on the browsers. This belief seems somewhat elusive because it is difficult to believe the idea that people spend hundreds of dollars to play on the web when they can do so on laptops or desktops.
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Samsung Galaxy Note 4 With 5 Awesome features

South Korea`s Samsung launched the very new version of its bigsized Galaxy Note smartphone this Wednesday, Of course here were talking about the Galaxy Note 4!

The smartphone actually launched earlier than supposed, At Wednesday after PEOPLE rival Apple announced record sales of its latest brand-new iPhone 6 & 6 plus.

Samsung originally introduce industry for the "Phablet" gadgets -- sized same like a smartphone and a tablet, as soon as it introduced its Galaxy Note series in TwentyEleven(2011).

Lets have a look at 5 pretty awesome features that comes with the "Galaxy Note 4".

  • 1st Feature : Camera Of Galaxy Note 4

    This tablet has got an awesome 16MegaPixles camera around the back featuring Optical Photograph Stabilization while Its front camera possesses 3.7MegaPixles resolution with a 120,degree wide angle.
    • 2nd Feature : Display/Resolution Of Samsung Note 4
    This Galaxy Note 4 features a 5.7-inches a bigsized display-screen. Samsung just upped the actual display resolution. Its got QHD screen decision of 1440x2560 pixels. 
    • 3rd Feature : Processor
    Galaxy Note 4 Asian Version have got an octa-core processor chip (1. 9GHz quad-core + 1. 3GHz quad-core) as the international one got a 2. 7GHz quad-core Snapdragon 805 processor chip,the most powerful in the universe at the moment.
    • 4ht Feature : S-pen Stylus
    This Galaxy Note 4 have got  5. 7-inch that is actually included with S-pen stylus permitting users to draw any thing with this and write at the screen and You guys can do various tasks at the same time.

    The existence of the stylus pen, does not provided by iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, Its actually offers a "unique input methodology" providing "intuitive experience and much more exciting features".

    •  5th and the Last Feature : The Storage Of Samsung Galaxy Note 4
    The Galaxy Note 4 has got a 3GB MEMORY with 32GB storage space option. It is actually expandable 64GB using microSD cards as well.

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    Friday, November 21, 2014

    Now You can get any Moto G regarding 100 Right now

    By means of all company accounts, the Moto G is often a really beneficial phone to get a really good price — understanding that price just got better. Starting Feb 5th, U.S. Cellular offers Motorola’s precious budget smartphone to get a penny bashful of $100, a discount of practically $90 from the Android phone’s currently crazy-cheap selling price.

    That gets that you simply snappy cpu, a fresh 4. 5-inch display, a good 8 GB of storage along with the latest version of Android os. Oh, and also, best of most, you get all that without investing in a two-year commitment.


    This isn’t paying $99 to get a phone in advance and then eliminating other device in the life of an two-year cope. This will be $99 for the phone, period.

    There’s always a capture, of study course. Thing will be, despite getting off commitment, the cellular phone isn’t really unlocked. Therefore, while a person don’t ought to commit yourself to two years of it, you’ve still got a chance to devote more time to on You. S. Cellular if you wish to do little such things as make message or calls and use wireless information. The Moto Grams operates simply on U.S. Cellular’s CDMA circle.

    Still, $100 is often a pretty tough deal to pass by, if you’re certainly not already married for your current service.
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    The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Boosts 8 6 Million In A Day


    The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge boosts $8. 6 million in a day, flooding the ALS Organization with donations.

    Barbara Newhouse, nonprofit organization president, said she hope the gift is gonna be a (game-changer) in the battle with the degenerative illness. However, its not acutally clear how the ALS Association plans to spend its windfall..

    This charity revealed on this Wednesday, Its already received $31. 5 million in a figure, When the $8. 6 Milion, jump from Tuesdays total of 22.9 Million Dollars. In comparison, during one time last year "between July 29 to August. 19, 2013), ALS Association merely received $1.9 Millions.

    This sum of cash it opens up new opportunities that were previously unfathomable spokesperson Carrie Munk explained to Forbes.

    Newhouse Said : Even so, the association hasnt defined those opportunities. "We ought to be strategic in each of our decision-making, as to what sort of funds will be spent" in order for those to be described as a "real game-changer regarding ALS.

    The Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Association has already awarded $3. 5 million in research grants to get treatments and a cure for ALS.

    United States president George W. Bush, NBA legend Michael jordan, and singers Katy Perry and also Rita Ora have all recently uploaded their videos to YouTube for Ice Bucket Challenge.

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    Which would you choose Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or the Google Nexus 4

    Samsung Galaxy Note 2, the smartphone-tablet hybrid from Samsung Group, which was launched in September, is said reached the impressive 5 million sales in 2 months, The Korean technology giant said in a statement (Google Translate) on November 26. Although the Note 2s sales are far behind that sells of the Galaxy S3, which Samsung sold 20 million of its flagship smartphone in the first 100 days after its launch, but it indicate that the high-end smartphone with top-of-the-line features is in great demand. Can it outsell the LG Nexus 4 which offers better operating system, price tag and often sold out in a short time?

    Today, we take a look at the Nexus 4 versus the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 in terms of features, price and more to help you decide which one to buy.
    Addition: One of the unique features of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is the device’s S-Pen, a stylus that benefits from some unique software that Samsung has included on the Galaxy Note 2. With the new S-Pen, Some of those applications include Air View which allows users to hover over things like e-mail, calendar or an image to get a preview of the content before actually having to open it, a feature called Easy Clip which lets users crop content on Lcd including images to save for later use, and finally, the ability to use the S-Pen to draw out Quick Commands for tasks like email. So you will feel so convenient to use the phone even it has a large Lcd.

    So which phone do you like more?

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    The particular Scooba Wetmopping Robot Helps guide you Gross You happen to be

     Note that grayish liquefied bacteria drink above? That’s what was left in the tank connected with my fresh Scooba 450 robotic floor cleaner through the time that finished along with my house. Until next, I experienced no idea just what lurked beneath me. Honestly, I’m ashamed with personally.

    iRobot’s most current offering may be the Cadillac connected with floor-mopping programs. It’s large, it’s loaded with special features, and on $600, you can’t definitely call it anything but a extravagance item. But the above photograph is evidence which it gets the task done. “The proof, ” because company loves to put that, “is in the tank. ”.

    TheThe particular 450 just isnt the very first Scooba. But this specific latest version provides a refined scrubbing process, breaking things down into three ways:

    1. Sweep along with pre-soak: Initial, the Scooba vacuums up dried dirt along with small dirt (Cheerios, et al) along with soaks the floor with somewhat water for second step.

    2. Scrub along with squeegee-vacuum: This really is where the important action comes about. The comb spins at 600 RPM to really get caked-in grime, while the particular squeegee will start sucking up some of that soiled water.

    3. Squeegee complete: For excellent measure — and prone to help iRobot stay away from frivolous lawsuits — Scooba covers the floorboards one final time for you to dry points completely.


    On its first go around my muddy Ny city apartment, the robotic had a little trouble. It’s a fair bit larger and never quite as nimble as its older sibling, this Roomba, and it beached by itself on several door jambs. And also since water and power don’t genuinely play jointly nicely, it’s certainly not programmed to come back to its docking place. The robotic finished the project by covering beneath my personal couch, using the floor nonetheless freshly rainy.

    Within the upside, this robot’s a talkative 1. If it incurs any issues as you go along, it’ll inform you about in the sort of chipper, passive-aggressive manner befitting of a housekeeping automaton. “I’d adore to start washing, ” that explains when you initially fire that up, “but my personal battery isn’t rather full. ” Stopper it set for a very good three or so hours, and it’ll hop for it.

    Trial two: The Kitchening journeyed more effortlessly. Scooba begins by washing in groups, but after that it transitions in to something much more chaotic, traversing the bedroom in apparently random styles that iRobot will assure that you are all part of some complex algorithms — though you wouldn’t know it with the way the ’bot bumps into partitions like it’s drunkenly fumbling after dark.

    TheAs soon as it concluded my kitchen, however, items were glowing — as well as dry, to boot. Although by the time that had finished those two small locations, it got expended all of its battery’s juice. But that did get that dark pile involving filth you observe above.

    As with the Roomba, it’s important to note that Scooba is a maintenance device. In other words, don’t go throwing out your mop just yet. You may still need it for heavy jobs.

    When you’re searching for something to help out, nonetheless, Scooba can be your ’bot. It’s the most beneficial Scooba nevertheless, even in the event that $600 is really a big capsule to digest — specially when you additional the $80 for the optional drying/charging dock and also the $12 regarding additional iRobot-branded clean-up solution (which I’m not necessarily entirely convinced isn’t only regular soap).


    One particular thing’s for sure, though: Vacation around your home with the 450 is a lot like peering to the deepest, darkest areas of your internal. You won’t like everything you find.
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    Best 5 Christmas Apps for Android for Christmas 2012

    Several days ago, I have introduced Best 5 Christmas Live Wallpaper Apps for Android, and today I will continue to introduce best 5 Christmas Apps for Android in 2012 special for you. If youre looking for some simple, fun apps of Christmas this holiday season, youve come to the right place. These list apps will put you in the Christmas spirit and give you a few ideas for activities, gifts for your demand.
    These 5 Best Christmas Free Apps for Android in 2012 cover everything from holiday music to greeting cards, like Apps of RingTones, Santa, Wallpaper, Countdown and others.
    Christmas Live Wallpaper Lite
    As the winter night of Christmas Eve is approaching us with every passing moment, what is better than having a live wallpaper installed on your phone that continuously reminds you of the time left for the Christmas.

    This 3D Christmas Live Wallpaper has a Christmas Scene with a Christmas Countdown in a snowfall of lights. You can see a Christmas tree with lights and an awesome flashing lights program (only in full)!
    Christmas Ringtones
    This app features 45 high qualities and popular Christmas ringtones  and sounds.
    With this App, you can customize your phone with Christmas spirit and enjoy the Merry Christmas Season on your phone by:
    • set the ringtone to a specific contact
    • set your default ringtone
    • set your alarm sound
    • set your notification (text and email) sound
    3D Christmas Live Wallpaper Free
    "3D Christmas Live Wallpaper Free" is a stunning 3D live wallpaper featuring a sparkling Christmas Tree of Light, plus an exciting Countdown to Christmas and the New Year. Both scenes in the free version can be enjoyed as a live wallpaper background, or as a fully interactive foreground app where you can look around freely, and quickly customise your settings.
    Talking Santa Free
    Talking Santa is packed with countless hours of holiday fun for the entire family! Speak into your microphone and listen to Santa repeat your special holiday message aloud.

    Swipe, poke, or tickle Talking Santa to your hearts content or tap on his famous red Christmas sack to reveal if Talking Santa’s got you on his naughty or nice list!

    Be nice to Santa by offering up some milk & cookies, or be naughty by slapping Santa or sending a giant snowball his way!
    PLEASE NOTE: When running the app for the first time you will be required to download additional 4-26 MB to get the best graphics quality for your device.
    Christmas Frames
    Creating holiday e-cards with ‘Christmas Frames’ is as simple as ABC:
    1. Choose a template from the huge collection
    2. Select photo(s) from your Gallery or Camera
    3. Add a text of your own and share the result!

    It is not a new app, but find out that is still consider as a good apps if you are using to customize some photo for Christmas effect. Try it ~

    More Apps will update here once I find more better Christmas App. Hope you get a little extra Christmas joy from these apps.
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    Thursday, November 20, 2014

    Worst Company EA tipped to third consecutive gong


    The Consumerist has admitted that EA seems like a strong contender to claim a unprecedented finally consecutive Most detrimental Company in the usa gong.

    “We haven’t also begun to obtain nominations from readers for that next Most detrimental Company In the united states tournament, but some are already making the situation for yet again giving your Golden Poop trophy to reigning two-time WCIA winner Electronic Disciplines, ” it wrote.

    “While EA’s growth recently has also been positive, the way the company goodies its consumer base might be dooming the gaming publisher to a new season your WCIA finals.

    “The company’s choice to dismiss those Glowing Poos as well as continue publishing shoddy product should be a wake-up call up to buyers, who should vote because of their wallets and choose to not obtain EA game titles until the company learns to respect their customer basic. ”

    Citing a piece of writing published somewhere else, it subsequently references not only the well-known SimCity fiasco but also the technical conditions continue to trouble DICE’s present shooter Battlefield four, which was published from the outset of Late.

    EA believed it is 2nd Fantastic poop very last 04, getting already been granted this all seasons before, sparking some sort of spirited protection coming from executive Peter Moore.

    Within Late recently EA Broadcasters EVP Tanker Soderlund told MCV which he not merely isnt going to think EA would be the toughest corporation in the united states, they also hopes which on time the actual founder can easily opposite it is open public conception.

    In another place, EA’s former ALL OF US PUBLIC REALTIONS boss Rob Dark brown possesses told VentureBeat which: “I used age 14 several years on EA. The only establishment Weve previously carried out more time is my personal marital life. As i started out, My partner and i considered it might be some sort of 12-month gig. I had created no objective involving remaining which very long.

    “People are likely to neglect EA is often a corporation brimming with men and women. They are happy with just what they designed. Whenever someone attacks this, they react. EA is misunderstood lots. It’s a company brimming with people who are genuinely enthusiastic about games. ”

    MCV possesses asserted before which the extremely perception of some sort of games founder becoming referred to as seeing that America’s toughest corporation is preposterous. Of which stance possesses certainly not transformed.
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    The Alpine Car Stereo

    We all know that brand names matter when purchasing car audio hardware. There are brands that are surely more reputable than others. When you are at the store and they offer choice after choice after choice, suddenly you feel overwhelmed on what really to buy. But you can be assured of one thing, if they offer you an Alpine car stereo you can’t go wrong with it.

    Alpine car stereo and electronics, founded in 1978, is a world leader in the industry of high performance mobile electronics. They specialize in mobile multimedia, an integrated system approach incorporating digital entertainment, security and navigation products for the mobile entertainment.

    Alpine car stereos are a new breed of units which feature the convergence of high performance audio, video, navigation and telematics in the form of Mobile Multimedia. Navigation systems act as the resource center of the Alpine car stereo Mobile Multimedia lineup. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), DVD players, Dolby Digital systems, satellite digital audio radio, mobile data linking and communication through telematics devices will be fused with navigation systems to create a platform of products. Mobile Multimedia integrates Alpines innovative audio, video, security and navigation products, as well as its new GUI for Drivers, human interface and information communications technology.

    To grasp what the Alpine car stereo Mobile Multimedia is, take a look at the IVA-D901 Alpine car stereo Mobile Multimedia Station/CD/DVD Receiver/Ai-NET Controller.

    The IVA-D901 has 400% more pixels than a conventional in-vehicle display, meaning that it has 1.15 million pixel elements. It has 50W x 4 built-in power and 3 PreOuts (4 volt), SAT Radio ready, a Hard Disc Drive (HDD), and Alpine car stereo Navigation. Key features include:

    - 7" Fully Motorized Wide Screen Monitor
    - 18W x 4 MOSFET Amplifier
    - Built-in Dolby Digital/DTS Decoder
    - Bass Engine® Plus
    - Subwoofer Level Control
    - Bass Center Frequency Control
    - Bass Band Width Adjustment
    - Treble Center Frequency Control
    - Subwoofer Phase Selector
    - Bass Type Control
    - 4-Ch Digital Time Correction
    - 3 Position 12 dB/Oct Crossover
    - MediaXpander™
    - SAT Radio Ready
    - MP3 Text Information Display
    - Quick Search Function
    - CD/CD-R Playback
    - CD Text, Text Display, Text Scroll
    - M DAC
    - MaxTune SQ Tuner
    - 3 Auxilliary A/V Inputs with Remote Control Input
    - Dedicated Navigation Input
    - Dedicated Camera Input
    - 2 Auxilliary Monitor A/V Outputs
    - Navigation Audio Mix
    - 3 PreOuts (4 volt)
    - MM Driver (Hard Disc Drive) Ready
    - MobileHub Ready
    - Ai-NET Control Center DVD/CD/MP3 Changer Controller
    - "Digital Art" Spectrum Analyzer Display
    - RUE-4190 Universal Wireless Remote Control Included

    If these all seems too much for you, Alpine car stereos also have more conventional head units to offer. The CDA-9835 Alpine car stereo In-Dash CD Player/Ai-Changer Controller lets you fully customize both illumination and sound, with a range of 512 colors and super-versatile Bass Engine functions like digital time correction and parametric EQ. You can download audio parameter settings and connect and control as many as eight amps. The BioLite display, Menu key and rotary knob make operation extremely easy.

    Like most Alpine car stereo units, it is also SAT Radio Ready, giving you a much greater choice of listening options than ordinary local AM/FM radio. You can select from among a wide range of music genres, news, sports, and talk programs with digital quality anywhere.

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    Some cool Tips You have to know Before You Get started with the New iPhone 6

    Apples brand-new iphone 6 & iphone 6 Plus, got the largest screens-display Apple has ever put on there phone.

    Apples iPhone 6 features a large screen of "4. 7-inches". The iPhone 6 Plus got 5. 5-inch screen with awesome colors. Both feel enormous in comparison to the tiny 4 inch screen for the iPhone 5S.

    You guys aint gonna believe me, right? Here is you can see iPhone 5S in the top of the iPhone 6 Plus. The entire body of the iPhone 5S fits within just the screen of the iPhone 6 Plus.


    So, If you guys been an iPhone user the past couple of years, the newest, bigger screens could be a bit jarring, even with the slightly-smaller iPhone 6. But for the software side, Apple has got some clever and cool tricks to help you guys out.

    Here is what you should have to know if you are thinking about to make the transition at a small-screen iPhone to on of the biggest screen iPhone 6s.

    Double tap (But, Dont need to press) the home-button to make it possible for the feature of "Reach-ability". Its gonna pull the top of the screen down so you can easily reach it with the use of your thumb.

    It will also work with the apps 


    If you have got the iPhone 6 Plus luckily, You can also view your home screen in land-scape mode.


    In the Settings > Brightness and Display, you can easily enable the Display Zoom feature. This helps make your icons of the apps, apps, and menu items a bit larger for the higher quality, screen.


    And If you wanna use the keyboard in land-scape mode in the iPhone 6 Plus, you get more options, including copy and paste.

    The iPhone 6 Plus also explains more stuff in apps like Mails & Messages in land-scape mode. Here is a pretty cool look of Messages:


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    Hybird Cloud Six Lacks

    1 - Heterogeneity and lack of standard

    The main obstacle to the success of hybrid cloud is the lack of standardization."A hybrid cloud impose structural choices for the internal IF and limiting vis-à-vis public clouds supported," says Yves Pellemans, technical director of APX.To make seamless hybrid cloud, it must adopt the same technology throughout, even among providers of public clouds.
    Hybrid"Theoretically, OpenStack is expected to make the hybrid heterogeneous environment but it is not yet a promise," said Marc Gourlan in charge of business development of cloud computing at BU CSC.
    One solution is to ignore the layers of virtualization and featuresprovisioningto settle for hybridization at the application level."We then deploy the same application, both public and private side, maintaining the same levels of versions and patches," says Yves Pellemans.

    2 - Heavy technological and application constraints

    Enemy of the hybrid cloud, latency slows trade between remote application components."In France, it is not a problem if you put the price by using the fiber and optimizing flows," Yves Pellemans advance.But this has a cost and technical lock becomes economical.
    Another way to circumvent the obstacle: Rethinking the application architecture or accept limitations."Applications should not need access to a database shared by the private cloud and public cloud data" provides an example Julien Contal.
    You can also simply move virtual machines (VMs) between private cloud and public cloud."But it is never transparent, particularly in terms of IP addressing.In addition, these VM running applications whose data exchange will risk always ask latency issues, "retorted Julien Contal.
    Another technological constraint: identity management and authorization also becomes complex hybrid environment.

    3 - A weight often existing heavy

    "To make the hybrid cloud, you must first convert the information private cloud system," asserts Yves Pellemans.Swathes of SI then be incompatible with the notion of private cloud.Especially since it must be able to reproduce in the public cloud.However, there is little clouds deals mainframe world or proprietary Unix."In addition, there are licensing issues, some publishers do not allow deployment in the cloud," says Julien Contal.
    This weight is existing as virtually prohibits changing applications to a hybrid cloud PaaS category."It will be limited to new applications.They are based on a specific development or a software package, we will ensure they are PaaS "compatible explains Julien Contal.
    In this context, the software will decline their offers in several forms,SaaSand PaaS package in addition to the versionon-premise.What is even often the case.

    4 - Cost control: the hybrid cloud is not a panacea

    The public cloud is supposed to offer better visibility of costs, which vary according to the needs.It allows you to choose in each case, the private or public mode.But it can also be a source of slippage."When data between private and public clouds are synchronized, for example in the context of a PRA, services must run continuously on the public cloud and data volumes can be significant, which creates a risk of explosion costs, "says Julien Contal.
    Especially since many public cloud offerings are priced bandwidth.This problem then joined the network architecture and application, which should restrict trade between distant clouds.

    5 - The sometimes prohibitive regulatory and security constraints

    Regulatory and security constraints often prevent data out of the private cloud.Never mind: the hybrid cloud is rightly to choose the best option based on these constraints.Except that the use cases most often cited by firms is the PRA, which by definition target the most critical applications."Now, aPRA in hybrid modeimposes a continuous output of critical data to duplicate in the public cloud, "says Julien Contal.

    6 - A slow change in attitudes and organization

    The company itself, DSI head, is perhaps the first brake hybrid cloud."This is a big change for the functional and technical teams, which should agree on what can be provisioned in the public cloud services rather than resources thinking." Says Yves Pellemans.
    You should also add a social dimension.Door wide open to the public cloud, hybrid cloud is synonymous effect of outsourcing part of the ISD.
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